Saturday, 6 October 2012

Activities of the Trust

1 . Running of 13 charitable dispensaries at various locations to reach out to the needy and downtrodden
sections of the society with all medical care facilities.

2. Holding of free Medical care and cure camps including eye operation camps, Naturopathy and yoga
camps, complete medical check up etc. at various locations across Northern India at regular intervals.

3. Charity distribution to the needy section of society. The Trust undertakes to help the deserving and
needy section with regular-financial, physical and moral support including arrangement of food and
marriages of girls and boys etc.

4. Organizing Educational, Social and cultural camps-cum-workshops to develop self-confidence,
moral values, good character, social manners and etiquettes among individuals from all sections of
the society.

5. Running of Educational Research and Training Institute to effectively train upcoming teachers to role
models, be committed and truly excel in all aspects of education, moral, physical & spiritual so as to be
capable of transforming the society and leading the future generations towards 'Satyug - the Golden

6. Running of 13 Music centers at various locations to further bring about purity through the power of
music-and help the society realize the importance of this art for personal and societal peace.

7. Congregations aimed at awakening of masses to the Supreme Truth and goal of life based on true
principles of Equanimity and Even-Sightedness.

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